
Welcome to “Ana” Foundation !




"Helvetia House" and Foundation "Ana", a partnership that relieve pain needy

It will be 22 years already since he has started to help the Romanians with poor financial situation lead by the desire to make their life more bearable. Because of his concern, children from orphanages, elders from asylums, children from community, city halls and a lot of families received humanitarian help or were involved in projects that gave them a little more hope. His name is Walter Pod


You too can stand by US

In October and November the "ANA" Foundation, in partnership with the Neuro-psychic Rehabilitation and Recuperation Centre from Cost’na, implements the project: “You too can stand by US ". The project’s objectives are: unfolding a program with cultural, artistic and sportive events for disabled people, integrating the disabled people in the society and developing the disabled people’s comm


The European Youth Week, the 9th edition

An event that already became a tradition at Suceava, the European Youth Week has already reached its 9th edition. More precisely, even if the main events( such as "The Short Movie Festival", the Cup “Youth Week" at football, basket, kinball and other sports, the Photography Art Exhibition “Youth Suceava Europe", “The Galas of the European Youth Week", the fascinating “Interethnic Evening


The Youth Theatre Festival has awarded its winners


Nine theatre troupes formed of pupils and students from Suceava, Fălticeni and Bacău took part this weekend in the Youth Theatre Festival, an event organized by Shopping City Suceava, the “Ana” Foundation and the “Juventus” Association. The festival lasted for two days at the City Gallery from Shopping City, and yesterday the best troupes and the interpreters at the “monologueâ


This summer comes along with Child’s Day


The “ANA” Foundation brings the band Voltaj to Suceava on Monday, the 1st of June, on International Child’s Day. The band „NBF” from Suceava will be performing in the opening of the concert, starting from 7 P.M. in the centre of the city. The events dedicated to the children from Suceava will last for two days, from the 31st of May until the 1st of June, and are organized by the “ANAâ


A ray of hope for Oana and Ervin

The "Ana" Foundation and the "Rasunetul" newspaper proved this weekend within the event “The Autumn of Hope” that, together with their warm wishes, the good people stand by the children who are suffering. At the "Bistrita" Restaurant the organizers hosted an event that was meant to raise funds for Oana Valean, a little girl aged 4 who is diagnosed with spastic tetra paresis. Since the age of 6



imgBetween the 20th of January 2009 and the 20th of April 2009, the ANA Foundation is involved in a project financed by the European Union through the YOUTH IN ACTION Programme, Action 1 – Youth for Europe, Sub-action 1.1 – Youth Exchanges



The Charity and Mutual Aid Foundation “Ana” takes intensive care of Alexandra ’ s case
A little girl for which walking is a dream

I look at her closely and from a distance! She amazes me! Her bright eyes, but a little just look at her and she amazes you.
She is 13 years old and everybody knows Alexandra as being a gentle, educated, manerred child, who won many prizes at school, but who must struggle with a disease that doesn’t allow her to stand.








Sustainable Development of Cross Border Partnerships

Customs and Traditions from the crossborder area within the local democracy promotion context
› Bukovina, Local Regional European Seminary
› The Forum of the Civil Society Europe 2007
› The European Youh Week
› The Fall of the Freshmen
› The Interethnic Bucovina Club
› Together for Suceavaa



All for 2 %

The Law 2%
What is the role of the 2% purview for the organizations?
What is 2%?
Methodological targets





Projects 2008

› Sustainable Development of Cross Border Partnerships
› Bukovina-Model of European Interculturality
› The “Bukovina Interethnic Club” Cup at football – the 6th edition, April the 1st-the 2nd
› The Bukovina Theatre Festival - the 2nd edition
› The Humor Festival “ SUCEAVA 2007 “ – the 2nd edition
› International Child’s Day in Suceava, June
› Suceava’s Days, June
› Medieval Festival, August
› The Fair of the Ethnic Communities from Bukovina – the 3rd edition– September
› The European Youth Week – the 10th edition, October- November
› Santa Claus 2006 in the headquarters from Suceava, December