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prima pagina › 2005 › The charity show β€œChampions of hearts”, a special event dedicated to all the suffering children




The charity show “Champions of hearts”, a special event dedicated to all the suffering children

The charity show “Champions of hearts” took place on Saturday, the 19th of February, in the hall of the German House from Radauti (the former Cinema “Flacara”). The aim was a fundraising for Gabriel Bucevschi, a 13 year old child from Radauti, pupil at School No. 5 “Bogdan Voda”, who desperately needed 100.000 euro for a heart and lungs transplant. Gabriel couldn’t be present at the event, but his mother, Magdalina Bucevschi, came accompanied by a few friends. The organizers (the Sports Club “The Tiger” Radauti, the City Hall Radauti, The Cristin Art Models Agency Radauti and the Ana Foundation from Suceava) tried hard to offer the public an exceptional show. For more than 2 hours, the spectators could watch boxing, kick-boxing and wushu games, kung-fu demonstrations, fashion parades for children, good music and a great entertainer. Many posters were printed and the organizers gave invitations to this event to politicians from Suceava and to some businessmen.
The sponsors were SC Tipo Lidana SRL Suceava and SC Super Star SRL Radauti. The mayor of Radauti, Mihai Frunza, together with his wife, the vice mayor Ilie Sarcinchi, the chief of the Passport Service, Dan Hoffman, with his wife, dr. Diana Iliescu, local counselor, with her husband, dr. Doru Iliescu, the manager of the Hospital from Radauti, the manager of SC Communal Services SA, Nistor Tatar, the boss of SC Tigris SRL, Adrian Hrisca, were among the people invited to this event. Deputy Eugen Bejinariu was represented here by a young teacher. Unfortunately, many people who were invited to take part in this event didn’t come, despite the fact that they promised to come.
At the end of the show, 35.600.000 lei, 100 dollars and 480 euro were raised from donations and from the tickets sold. Donations were also received from a Frenchman - Marc Blanchard, and even from the sportsmen who participated in the games from the event. With emotions and tears in her eyes, the child’s mother, Magdalina Bucevschi, thanked the organizers. She was worried not only because of the great sum she still has to raise, but more of the hardships she encountered from the authorities, respectively the Health Department, in approving her papers to be able to make the surgery abroad, especially now, when every moment is precious for her son’s life.

‒ Many international and national champions got up on the stage from Radauti

The sportive games and demonstrations were held by international and national champions, aged between 7 and 18, and coming from Bucharest, Falticeni and Radauti. Viorel Ungurean, the president of the Sports Club “The Tiger” Radauti, the initiator of this event, tried hard and managed to bring to the city elite fighters. Florin Ioana, coach of traditional wushu, came with his 12 best pupils: Cristina Topor’ste, international champion at wushu/ kung-fu and kick-boxing, entertained the audience with difficult technical demonstrations; the only two children from the country who were trained at the Shaolin Temple from China, Mihai Ioana and Teodor Rudnitchi, proved their mastery at handling the sword, but also at fighting with the other contestants. Gheorghe Bogdan, international vice champion Cristina Stan, Catalin Slavic, Stelian Rudnitchi (the youngest participant, aged 7), Giorgiana Radovicescu (national champion) and Daniel Radu Vintila also took part in the national kung-fu championship. The twins Ana Maria Cotofana and Carmen Silvia Cotofana were the delight of the public. Coach Constantine Chiriac also came with his pupils from CSS “Nicu Gane” Falticeni. His sportsmen, Bogdan Lozniceru (winner of the bronze medal at the national championship), Vasile Mazilu and Ovidiu Popa fought on the ring, for two rounds, with the ”tigers” Matei Tatar (multiple international champion), Beniamin Avram and Ovidiu Colibaba from Radauti. The girls’ game, between Giorgiana Butnaru and Cristina Nistor, was also disputed. But maybe the harshest boxing game was between Alexandru Chirila, national champion at the 80 kg category and Ion Dunga. After a demonstrative game between a girl and a boy– Giorgiana Radovicescu and Catalin Slavic, there followed tougher kick-boxing and wushu games– wushu being the style that consecrated Ionut Atodiresei. “The untamed tiger” from Radauti, Matei Tatar, entered the ring for the second time to face Gheorghe Bogdan and Stef Hutanu.

‒ All the participants in the event were declared “champions of hearts”

Like at a real gala, three beautiful girls, Madalina, Olguta and Niculina, prepared by the Cristin Arts Models Agency, walked with grace on the stage and announced the rounds during the games. Sports were very nicely combined with music, Cristian Munteanu appearing on stage two times, and the girls from ON-X were a pleasant surprise for the public. The entertainer, Cornel Grosaru, put much soul in organizing this action, which was made “from the heart to the heart”. The Ana Foundation from Suceava was in charge of the lights and sounds from the event and these effects were offered by Disco System Suceava. The 25 beautiful and talented little girls from the Cristin Arts Models Agency Radauti that appeared on stage like a spring breeze presented a fashion parade for children. All the participants were declared “champions of hearts”, their efforts being dedicated to saving the life of Gabriel Bucevschi, the 13 year old pupil from Radauti who needed 100.000 euro for a heart and lungs transplant.

