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prima pagina › 2007 › Hundreds of youngsters from Suceava were offered various methods of spending their spare time during the European Youth Week




Hundreds of youngsters from Suceava were offered various methods of spending their spare time during the European Youth Week

Hundreds of youngsters took part in the 10th edition of the European Youth Week organized between the 24th – the 31st of October in Suceava.

Despite the fact that the budget was this year smaller than in the previous years, the organizers, the Youth Department from Suceava, together with the Juventus Association and the ANA Foundation and other NGOs from Suceava (non-profit youth organizations), managed to organize and prove the importance of this 10th edition, that brought together thousands of young people.

"Even if the financial resources were fewer than ever, we tried and also succeeded in offering the youngsters various activities of spending their spare time through music, dance, humor and sports", declared Mr. Cornel Grosar, the president of the Juventus Association.

The series of events that were organized during the entire European Youth Week also presented football and basketball competitions between high schools, disco nights organized by DJs from Suceava, members of the "Youth Can Do It " Association- Night Music, karaoke contests, theatre workshops under the guidance of an actress and a student actor, a German evening with the theme “Oktoberfest” and a multicultural evening with Greek and Viennese dances offered by the Association "Promotorii Bucovinei" the National College "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", a Halloween party, as well as a seminar on financing opportunities for the non-profit youth organizations.

"Starting from next year we will help and involve more in the implementation of this project, the Youth Department from Suceava wishing to get involved more visibly in the lives of the youngsters from Suceava", declared the executive of the Youth Department, Ovidiu Milici.

