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You too can stand by US

In October and November the "ANA" Foundation, in partnership with the Neuro-psychic Rehabilitation and Recuperation Centre from Cost’na, implements the project: “You too can stand by US ".
The project’s objectives are: unfolding a program with cultural, artistic and sportive events for disabled people, integrating the disabled people in the society and developing the disabled people’s communication abilities and the capacity to analyze the themes debated regarding the integration of the disabled people.
The target group of the direct beneficiaries: 100 disabled people aged between 18 and 80, from the village Cost’na, commune Todire?ti, county Suceava, from the Neuro-psychic Rehabilitation and Recuperation Centre Cost’na, who want to organize cultural, artistic and sportive events. The direct participants of the project, as well as their relatives, will benefit from these actions.
During the project there will also be organized an exhibition with decorative objects hand made by the beneficiaries of the Centre from Cost’na.
Approximately 600 people from Suceava County and from other counties will indirectly benefit from the project’s results, due to its promotion and the impact of the unfolded activities.
Through the project, we aim at promoting and supporting the disabled people, ensuring them the proper conditions to express themselves artistically.
Moreover, through these types of projects, we promote the Neuro-psychic Rehabilitation and Recuperation Centre Cost’na as supplier of quality social services.
In the beginning of 2009 we noticed the significant growth of disabled people who integrate in the society and participate in cultural, artistic and sportive activities, etc.
Through this project we intend to sensitize the public opinion on accepting people with disabilities and involving them in different activities. The project has as main objective raising the integration degree of disabled people in the society by involving them in cultural, artistic and sportive activities.

The project is financed by the County Council Suceava

Within the project we organize numerous activities such as: exhibition of decorative objects and collage "WE too are artists", presentation of theatre plays and artistic activities, sports competitions (ping pong, chess), seminar "We too are people!" (The beneficiarie’s relatives will participate at Cost’na Centre in a seminar regarding the disabled people’s reintegration in the society), as well as a socialization and communication action between disabled people and their relatives, action called, “I can cook, too ".

The “Ana" Foundation

