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prima pagina › 2005 › Thousands of people from Suceava received presents on the occasion of โ€œConstantin and Elenaโ€โ€™s day celebration: a concert of the famous Azur band from Braila




Thousands of people from Suceava received presents on the occasion of “Constantin and Elena”’s day celebration: a concert of the famous Azur band from Braila

Saturday afternoon, starting from 3 p.m, almost 2500 people from Suceava sang and danced together with the Azur band from Braila.
This special gift of the City Hall from Suceava also inaugurated a new place where cultural-artistic activities dedicated to the Burdujeni headquarters will unfold - the stage in front of the Burdujeni market.
On Saturday afternoon there was a lot of fun in Burdujeni. The mayor Ion Lungu made the people there, and not only, a special present on the occasion of “Constantine and Elena”’s day celebration: after 15 years, the Azur band from Braila, who managed to gather thousands of people at their concerts in the past, came to Suceava. One can very rarely see a band that sings live for 2 hours and a half and that gathers all together over 2500 children, youngsters and elderly people who knew and sang their famous songs. The 4 members of the band were the delight of the public, together with the leader of the band, the well known singer Nelu Vlad.
This present also comprised the inauguration of a new place for unfolding cultural-artistic event dedicated to the people from Burdujeni, the plateau in front of the Burdujeni market. Turning a field, as it used to be before, in a stage for concerts, in just a few days, and bringing “one of the best sound equipments I ever had” as Nelu Vlad himself said after the concert, managing to bring together people of all ages and, above all, managing to make them have fun, is not so easy to achieve. Some people have for these “successes” ingredients of thousands of euro, with famous bands from the Romanian showbiz. But the real recipe for success is what this event meant and achieved. And the ones who managed to bring joy on Saturday in Burdujeni are: the Ana Foundation, the Juventus Association, Disco System and Promo Bucovina Image, together with the City Hall from Suceava. A special help was given by the sponsors: SC Fetcom SRL, Metal Dor Salcea, Farestin Pizza and Teacher Line Salcea.

â€ข “During my adolescence I never missed any of their concerts. I remember that I had a notebook with all the lines of their songs. I was capable of running away from home, just to hear them”

The show from Saturday started at 3 p.m. with Cristi Munteanu, “the golden voice of Suceava”, according to Cornel Grosaru, the president of the “Juventus” Association and the presenter of the show. Then, the Azur band got up on stage and the people outburst. “Pe cararea vietii mele”, “Mona”, “Mai ฎntoarce Doamne roata”, “Regina Noptii”, “Claudia” and “Cenusareasa” are just a part of the songs that, for two hours and a half, brought nostalgia into the souls of the public. “For me, the event from today was very special. I felt an extraordinary pleasure to listen to Azur again. “During my adolescence I never missed any of their shows. I remember that I had a notebook with all the lines of their songs. I was capable of running away from home, just to hear them”, confesses one of the spectators, Daniel Gondor. “I heard about them from my folks. I knew it was the music of their youth and I came here out of curiosity. But to be honest, I really like them”, says Alina Stroici.

â€ข Mayor Ion Lungu and his wife, in the middle of the public

Mayor Ion Lungu and his wife were in the middle of the public for a while, to everyone’s surprise, who didn’t know where to look anymore: either at the stage or at the mayor. The things straightened up when the mayor got up on stage and wished everyone called Constantin or Elena “Happy Birthday!” and told the people from Suceava that these sorts of events will continue, on the same stage, and that a special place will be arranged so that they all can sit at tables and have a meal and a cold beer during the events. “It was proved through this show that not only the Burdujeni headquarters will be taken into consideration during the campaign. On the contrary, we situate ourselves in the normality that the mayor Ion Lungu promised, together with whom we found this place where to unfold this event (nor. –the plateau in front of the Burdujeni market)”, declared the president of the “Juventus” Association, Cornel Grosaru.

â€ข Azur will come back in our town, at the “Suceava’s Days” event

The organizers of the event from Saturday announced that Nelu Vlad and Azur will come back to Suceava in almost a month, when they will take part in the “Suceava’s Days” event. Nelu Todireanu, the president of the Ana Foundation, promised the people from Burdujeni that, in that period, for 3 days, they will watch the best show ever.

â€ข Nelu Vlad: “Every time we came to Suceava, I had a very great time”

The vocalist of Azur, Nelu Vlad, amazed the organizers by not letting go of the microphone for two hours and a half. “Every time we came to Suceava, I had a very great time. I love the public here. I haven’t been here for 15 years. What can I say? I would like to come back again as soon as possible, as I consider Bucovina to be the “honey land” of Romania. Everything was perfect, from sound to organization, to the lovely public you have here”, declared Nelu Vlad immediately after the concert.

