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The 1st of June 2005
This summer comes along with Child’s Day

- The program presented a cultural-artistic show, many contests and a tombola
- The “Ana” Foundation offered 500 presents to the children from Suceava
- At the end of the show, the “Bambi” band held a live concert for all the children and fans from Suceava

Over 2.000 children took part on Saturday in the show entitled “This summer comes along with Child’s Day”, in front of the Cultural House from Suceava. The event, dedicated to the little ones for the 1st of June, reached its 4th edition and, every year, it managed to bring more and more people to the shows. The children participated in carting, rollers, drawing on pavement and karaoke contests, and their colleagues from the Children’s Palace offered them a program with an exceptional artistic show, with dances and music. The “Ana” Foundation, one of the organizers of this event, offered 500 presents (toys and sweets) to the children present at the event from Saturday. During the show, the organizers gave the children 6.000 tombola tickets. At the end of the event, 8 winning tickets were drawn, every lucky owner of those tickets receiving objects with the values of 1 million lei each. The children from Suceava were also anxious to get to this event also due to the band invited, the “Bambi” band. Even if the girls from “Bambi” were a little late, they were welcomed with great joy by the children and youngsters present at the event.
The audience sang together with them (famous songs like: “Doi ochi căprui”, “Nopţi tฎrzii”, “Fetiţe fiţoase”), danced and had a lot of fun. After the concert, the two girls from the band were invited to the Maraton Disco, where they also found many fans waiting for them.
The organizers of the event “This summer comes along with Child’s Day” were: the “Ana” Foundation, the City Hall from Suceava, Promo Bucovina Image, the County Education Department Suceava, the Juventus Association, the Children’s Palace and “Cygnus”. After the two concerts held at Suceava, the girls from “Bambi” gave us a short interview:

“We make the music we feel, but we are also looking around us, at our highschool and university colleagues, and we try to create our lines so that they represent all of them....”

- How did you like the audience from Suceava, regarding the fact that you came here for the first time?
Denisa: We’ve never been to Suceava, indeed. We were welcomed with great joy, the organization of the event was a very good one, thing that motivates us to come back again as soon as possible.
- What new songs did you bring to Suceava?
Denisa: We brought both new and old songs, which the audience already knows. The people in the crowd sang with us even the songs we presented in TV shows and which they already knew. The little ones were also attracted here by the presents they received from the sponsors and by our music.
-You are at the beginning of your career...
Denisa: After 13 years, are we really at the beginning!?
-What is the main important thing in promoting some good songs on the market, songs that the audience enjoys...? What helps you more: your talent or your image?...
-Raluca: The work we do in music since we were children helps us the most. Due to our music studies we can’t give up know. If we were to give up, we would have done it a long time ago. We can’t leave behind so many years of hard work; this is already like a job for us, it’s not a trifle to want to be seen on TV and do nothing else afterwards.
- In what category do you include the music you sing and that you offer to the public?
- Raluca: Denisa is the one that takes the most care of the songs. She is a pupil at the Music Highschool and all she learns there, she puts into practice in our songs. We can’t say that in the past we sang songs for children because we couldn’t sing something else. We first appeared in public when we were 15 and 12, but now we’ve grown up, our music evolved, it’s youth music.
- Denisa: The fans grew up together with us. I can say that our music is listened to by almost everybody.
-How many albums did you realize so far?
-Denisa: Four, the fifth one is almost done.
-Does the fifth album have any connection to Holland?
-Denisa: Not really. They are two different projects unfolding in parallel. The only connection is that we already taped a song there, a remix: “Hands up”. The producers from Holland were very delighted with our evolution and wanted to put the song on an album. So, the song will be on two different albums. “Hands up” is sung half in English, half in Romanian. But we also have a full English version just for Holland.
-What can you tell us about your new album?
-Denisa: We haven’t found yet a title for the album because we have so many songs that we likeâ€ฆNot all of them are finished and if until now we used to sign a contract with a production firm, this time we don’t have any contract signed with anybody. We preferred to make all the songs the way we wanted to, with the moral and financial support of our parents.
-Raluca: Now we must work harder in order to finish our album and make videos and when we finish all the material we will go to production firms and present it: You like it? If yes, take it. If you don’t, then we will go some place else, because we did it all by ourselves and with the help of our studies.
-As far as I know, you are a band that made just a few videos. Why?
-Raluca: Yes, because we weren’t lucky to meet rich peopleâ€ฆThe production firms don’t get too much involved, they just want to earn money, if possible, on our expenseâ€ฆ
-Denisa: The only salvation that we, artists, have is the sponsors. If you don’t have sponsors, it’s hard. It is well known that there are very many artists that have nothing in common with music, but they are lucky to have rich parents or lovers and they succeed in this fieldâ€ฆ
-Have you ever thought of changing your band’s name?
-Raluca: We thought of it many times, we even had proposals, but it always comes to promoting the name and we were supposed to make a lot of advertising in order to be known again under another name.
-What about the public? What is your target public?
-Denisa: With every album that we released on the market, we tried to get more and more fans and we succeeded. We sing the music we feel and want, but we also look at the people around us and try to make our lines represent them.
-When are you planning on coming back to Suceava?
-Raluca: Regarding the fact that we really enjoyed being here and that we met nice people and an excellent sound on the stage I think we will come back again very soonâ€ฆif Mr. Nelu Todireanu invites us.

