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“The best of the best” on its first edition of the “Monitorul de Suceava” Top

‒ The “For You” Disco was overcrowded on Wednesday with people invited to take part in the inauguration of the “Monitorul’s Tops”, event organized by “Monitorul de Suceava” and Promo Bucovina Image

‒ After the awards ceremony, the VIPs present in the hall could watch an amazing show held by the local young talents and not only

‒ One at a time, the boys from Rekord, the Family band, Alina Băbeanu, the GHG band, the modern dance group of the Sports Highschool, the dance group Cool Ice, the Ydentic band and cartoonist Sorin Ursan got up on stage.

On Wednesday evening, the “For You” Disco hosted the first edition of the events of “Monitorul de Suceava” Tops. The event tried to establish a hierarchy of the most active politicians, mayors and women and of the most “transparent” institutions from 2005. The classification was made according to the politicians’ votes, but also having in view the opinions of the “Monitorul”’s readers. “During the last years, we made a habit of meeting with the collaborators we worked with the entire year. This evening, at a special event, the journalists from < Monitorul de Suceava> and a new firm, Promo Bucovina Image, shook hands in order to reward the most active VIPs with which we collaborated this year”, said Cornel Grosaru, the president of the Juventus Association, and the main organizer of the event. One at a time, the prize winners of “Monitorul” received their diplomas and cups from the chief editor of the newspaper, Tiberiu Avram. The mayor of Suceava, Ion Lungu, was the “star of the evening”, being awarded 5 times: 4 times by “Monitorul de Suceava” and one time by Promo Bucovina Image. Moreover, the mayor of Suceava received the prizes of Gheorghe Flutur, first place at the section “The most active politicians”, chosen by both the politicians and the over 300 readers that took part in this contest.
The first prize was also won by Angela Zarojanu (the most active woman from the politicians’ point of view), Stela Acatrinei (the most active woman from the readers’ of “Monitorul de Suceava” point of view), again Stela Acatrinei, as the representative of the County Council Suceava (elected by the politicians as the most “transparent” institution) and Alin Botezatu, the representative of the County Police Department from Suceava, who was chosen by the readers as being “the most transparent institution” from the county. We also have to mention that besides cups and diplomas, the winners also received a portrait drawn by the artist Ştefan Eugen Ţugui. Then, more prizes came next: from the Promo Bucovina Image Association (set up by the president of the “Ana” Foundation, Nelu Todireanu, and the president of the “Juventus” Youth Association, Cornel Grosaru) for the local artists, VIPs from politics and from institutions distinguished during the entire year.
Immediately after the prizes got to the winners, the second part of the event started, all the people present there enjoying an exceptional night music held by local talents and not only. The musical night was opened by the “Rekord” band, which sang a few carols that delighted the audience from the “For You” Disco. The evening continued with the performance of the Family band, Alina Băbeanu, the GHG band, the modern dance group from the Sports Highschool, under the guidance of professor Purice, the dance group Cool Ice, the Ydentic band and cartoonist Sorin Ursan, who interpreted some special carols.

