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prima pagina › 2005 › Hundreds of children sang and received presents at the grand opening of the Children’s Playgrounds from Areni




Hundreds of children sang and received presents at the grand opening of the Children’s Playgrounds from Areni

The City Hall from Suceava and the Ana Foundation offered yesterday over 500 presents to the little children that came to the event to sing carols to Santa.

Despite the cold weather, hundreds of little children gathered yesterday in the Areni Park, near the University, in order to take part in the opening of the first Children’s Playground of this year. Their patience was rewarded with surprises prepared by the organizers of this event: the City Hall from Suceava, the Ana Foundation and the Juventus Association. The children and their parents could watch a beautiful show with Christmas traditions, held by the “Muguraşul” Ensemble from School No. 1, which presented traditional folk songs, “the goat’s game” and the masks’ and horses’ games.
“Santa”, kind of young after his height and voice, came to the event on a cart carried by a horse (his reindeers being on vacation), but this didn’t stop the children’s enthusiasm, who were anxiously waiting for the presents Santa brought for them. After a short while, the mayor Ion Lungu, vice mayors Angela Zarojanu and Marian Ionescu, as well as a part of the local counselors came to the event, wishing all the best to the people present in the park .
At the opening of the first playground for children from this year, the City Hall and the Ana Foundation offered yesterday over 500 presents to all the little children who came to the park to sing Christmas carols to Santa. Over 1.500 presents were due to be given on the nest days: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, in the parks from Obcini, Burdujeni and Iţcani.

