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prima pagina › 2005 › The Romanian and Ukrainian youth are trying to β€œerase the borders”




The Romanian and Ukrainian youth are trying to “erase the borders”

The NGO leaders from Cernăuţi and Suceava started yesterday, in our city, a training youth course. We are talking about a training held within the project “Customs and traditions from the cross border region, in the context of promoting the local democracy”, project unfolded by the ANA Foundation, with PHARE funds. The event will end on the 24th of September and it unfolds in collaboration with the Youth Department from Suceava, the JUVENTUS Association and the Youth Foundation.

The president of the ANA Foundation, Mr. Nelu Todireanu, declared that these courses will help the young trainers a lot, especially in transmitting the coordinates of the democracy which the EU is trying to promote all over the continent. Over 18 participants from NGOs from Cernauti were present yesterday in room 48 of the Administrative Department, together with NGO leaders and representatives of local and county authorities from Suceava. Mr. Todireanu told us that, until the 24th of September, the participants in the project will also take part in meetings and sessions on the mentioned above theme.

