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Suceava, the interethnic capital of sports in Bucovina

Within the second edition of the Interethnic Club Cup of Bucovina at football, over 100 ethnic communities of Polish, Ukrainians, Germans and Gypsies have demonstrated once more that the sports is an universal language.

On Saturday, the gym at the Sports High School has hosted the Interethnic Club Cup of Bucovina at football, competition that has brought face to face teams formed by various ethnics in our town, being the only one of the kind held in the country so far. Being at its second edition, the cup enjoyed the participation of 100 athletes and supporters from all the ethnic communities that live together in Suceava, but also the support of the NGOs involved in this interethnic club and of the local authorities. Compared to the former edition, in the organization of this year’s cup, official representatives of the ethnic communities have taken part in the organization, representatives that have understood the necessity of these meetings of a sportive nature or cultural among the ethnic communities in Bucovina. Representatives of the Ukrainian Union in Romania have also been on the field for the first time. They haven’t been able to join the cup the former year due to objective reasons. After a day full of interesting games, fair-play and lots of fun, the last year’s champions the Polish Union in Romania have managed to enter the finals together with the gypsies and members in the Phico Rromano Association. Just as last year, the gypsies have had once again the mood for playing, being cheered by the other participants for the shows realized in the great Brazilian Style. At the end, the first price went to the Polish team after a balanced game, the winner being chosen only after the final 7 meters rubber matches. The technical team of the German Forum from Romania won the 3rd place, followed by the teams of the Student’s and Pupil’s League in Basarabia and Romania, the Ukrainian Union in Romania and the one of the organizers, the latter being formed by the local authorities with Alexandru Baisanu sub prefect and president of the Polish Union in Romania and the deputy Longher Ghervazen. The award’s and cup’s ceremony has been hosted by the Casablanca Student’s Cub, where the calendar for the future actions of the interethnic club was established. The president of the Phico Rromano Association, Vasile Ciuraru stated that the members of his ethnic community have enjoyed themselves very much because they felt equal, not being any difference between the gypsies and the other ethnic communities. The deputy Longher Ghervazen has stated in the same award’s ceremony the fact that “it is not important who won, but that the ethnic groups have been able to get together in order to know each other better, continuing the cohabitation model of our ancestors from Bucovina, region often compared to a mini Europe”. Besides the other cultural and social events of the Interethnic Bucovina Club, there will be chess and basketball competitions, actions that will have the full support of the sub prefect Alexandru Baisanu. “Through the participant’s behavior, there was once more proved that the European mentality has entered Bucovina prior to its integration in 2007”, stated at the end of the competition Nelu Todireanu, the president of the Ana Foundation and Cornel Grosaru the president of the Juventus Association.

