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prima pagina › 2005 › The youth from Suceava and Ukraine will learn how to access the European Financing Programs




The youth from Suceava and Ukraine will learn how to access the European Financing Programs

For a year, the Ana Foundation from Suceava, together with her partner, the Museum of the Cernăuţi Region– the Mihai Eminescu section- will unfold a project financed by PHARE, that has as main purpose the encouragement of the creation of a lasting cooperation network in the cross border area through the development of a common implementation structure of the project, through the forming of a team which will develop common projects with the view to stimulate the traditional cultural creations and through the refreshment of tourism from the border Romanian- Ukrainian area. The project “Customs and Traditions from the cross border area, in the context of promoting the local democracy” will unfold during 12 months, more exactly from April 2005 until April 2006. The first great action of this project is a seminar that will last for 3 days in Cernăuţi, at which 60 representatives from Romania will participate: from 5 NGOs from Suceava and Ukraine, plus the project’s team and the trainer. The courses of this seminar will be on: familiarizing the participants with the pre-adhesion instruments, with the programs of the EU, as well as with the session of handing in the projects within each European program. The total budget of this project sums up 54.540 euro, out of which the Ana Foundation brings 10 % of the entire sum, which is approximately 6.000 de euro. The president, Nelu Todireanu, states that this project wants to promote the tourism from the cross border area, bringing with this purpose a few organizations from Cernăuţi and Suceava. There will also be, during this project, a youth camp in Suceava, in September, and other actions that follow the principles of this action.

