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prima pagina › 2005 › Suceava's Days will continue today and tomorrow with more events




Suceava's Days will continue today and tomorrow with more events

The events will continue today and tomorrow with more events. So, at 10 a.m. today, the Village Museum from Bucovina will host the Fair of the Popular Craftsmen, and, at the same hour, in front of the Cultural House, there will be a free testing of the blood pressure for those who want to know more about their health. The concert from 8 p.m. from the centre of the town will bring together on stage bands like: Vama Veche, Spin, Zdob and Zdub, all culminating with amazing fireworks. The events dedicated to Suceava’s Days will end tomorrow, with more manifestations.

So, starting from 1 p.m., the people are expected to come back in front of the Cultural House and take part in other music concerts, with the following bands: “Rekord”, “Pro Music”, “On-X”, “GHG” and “Odyssey”, and the following vocalists: Mihai Cobziuc and Alina Băbeanu. From 5 p.m., on the Areni stadium, there will be a football match between the Public Local Administration’s team and FC “Cetatea” Suceava and the ex- glorious teams of the city. The folk events will unfold tomorrow too in Burdujeni and at the Fortress. The night from tomorrow will end at the Disco-Club “Shock” with the concerts of the bands: Double C., Cool Ice, MC ATTA, GHG and Hara.

