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The first edition of the Fair of Ethnic Communities from Bucovina

Preoccupied with the organizing and promoting of some actions meant to reveal the well interethnic cohabitation and the historic and cultural interferences from Bucovina, the Bucovina Interethnic Club managed, through an event organized with the help of the Local council and the City Hall from Suceava, to underline the fact that “Bucovina is a mini Europe”.

The first edition of the Fair of Ethnic Communities from Bucovina (which coincided with the Polish Culture Days, the most important action organized by the Polish Union from Romania, “Dom Polski”, under the title “Closer to one another”) reunited in front of the Cultural House presenting stall of every ethnic minority from Bucovina. Having the status of event coordinators, the ethnic organizations of Ukrainians, Polish, Russians, Hungarians, Italians and Gypsies presented their identity’s “dowry”. The great “pesanka” (painted eggs, for which, in Ukraine, at Kolomyia an unique in the world museum was built) brought by the craftsmen from Brodina, Izvoarele Sucevei and Radauti were “watched” by the imposing figure of a CoĂck armed with a scepter and by an exposition with images from a “democratic Ukraine”, oil paintings made by the president of UUR-the Bucovina region, professor Ioan Bodnar, numismatics works from vice president Ioan Bodnariuc’s collection, a books stand meant to praise the memory of Stefan Tcaciuc, the ex president of the Ukrainian Union from Romania and so on. Another pavilion, the one of the Hungarians from Bucovina, “shined” with the works of the brothers Iosif and Stefan Csukat, and the Polish pavilion offered, on the background of traditional seams exposition (sheets- one of which was 200 years old – napkins and pillow embroideries), bilingual publications, eggs painted by Letitia Orsivschi from Vama and Despina Ozarchievici from Radauti, wooden sculptures made by Bolek Majerik and Iulian Dziubinschi. And if the Russians presented a book exposition (with e “tired” “Book of Hours” or a tom with “Instructions for the Reader”, 318 years old) presenting at the same time, as an identity element, a “matrioska” or “lestmuka” (rosaries), but also a few wooden spoons multicolor decorated, the Gypsies, represented at the stand by the president of the Phico Romano Association, Vasile Ciuraru, but also by a few ethnic members (braziers from Veresti and women showing their traditional multicolored skirts) came with their tinned objects and offered, together with a craftsman from Falticeni, a true demonstration of art, which they inherited from their ancestors.

‒ A priceless jewelry: the model of interethnic cohabitation from Bucovina

On Saturday, at the opening, the ambaĂdor of the Polish Republic from Bucharest, Jacek Paliszewski, the general consul and the consul of Ukraine at Suceava, Vasyli Boeciko and Michailo Lienkov, the prefect Orest Onofrei, the deputy and the president of RO-AS-IT, Mircea Grosaru, the mayor Ion Lungu and the organizer of the International Folk Festival “Meetings in Bucovina”, Zbigniew Kowalski, meet and discussed at this fair. This is the best proof of cultural and interethnic interference under the generic “Bucovina, a mini Europe – closer to one another”. I don’t know if the Swiss journalist, Noelle Roger, who worked for “Gazette de Lausanne”, when saying that “Bucovina is a box of surprises”, she had in view the multi ethnicity of this territory, too. What is for sure today is that, in the context of a united Europe, the multiethnic cohabitation model from Bucovina is a priceless jewelry.

