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The Fall of the Freshmen 2004

Saturday was the “birthday” of all the pupils from Bistrita. Hundreds of pupils gathered in the hall of the Cultural House, taking part in the second edition of the event: "The Fall of the Freshmen". This year, they prepared many dances for the public, performed by the modern dance ensemble BN Rhythm and the folk dance ensemble from Rustior. Our folk songs were brought on stage by Florina Ciuius, Cristina Covaci, Ana Cosmin, Catalin and Mihaela Lar, Raluca Lorinc, Cosmin Marcu, Ion Pop and the Glanetasul Ensemble from Agries, under the guidance of instructor Florea Pop and coordinator Lenuta Purja. Slow music was also present, through: the ON-X band, Alina Babeanu, Andrea Merchea, Ionela Ilie and Marius Oprea, both from Suceava and Brasov. The tombola offered the lucky winners: teddy bears, schoolbags with books, notebooks, pencils, pens etc and rollers costing 150 euro. All the children received sweets, ice cream and balloons.
But maybe the greatest show was offered by the “Miss” contest, in which 15 young women from the schools in Bistrita competed against each other to win the first prize. The jury, made up of mayor Vasile Moldovan, senator Ioan Aurel Rus, the TV presenter at As-TV Doina Peste, the president of the “Ana” Foundation, Nelu Todireanu, the chief editor from the “Rasunetul” newspaper, Tiberiu Irimia, the chief editor from Radio Transilvania and the president of the Journalists’ Syndicate from BN - Marius Chiuzan, the administrator of SYMPHONY AEROBIC CLUB, Lucu Cotul, the chief editor from “Monitorul de Suceava”, Alina Babeanu and the editor from “Rasunetul”, Menut Maximinian decided on the final classification: the prize from the “Rasunetul” newspaper was won by Oana Muresan, the popularity prize- by Ingrid Tibuica, the third place- by Alexandra Cotfas, the second prize-by Oana Creta , and Miss “The Fall of the Freshmen”- by Petra Nicoara

