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prima pagina › 2004 › Weekend with many sports competitions in Suceava: β€œThe Cup of the European Youth Week”




Weekend with many sports competitions in Suceava: “The Cup of the European Youth Week”

At the end of this week, the city Suceava will be the host of more sports competitions in athletics, Greco-Roman fights, basket, or feminine and masculine football. The 10th edition of the “Cup from Suceava” in Greco-Roman fights will take place tomorrow morning, in the wrestling hall on the Areni Sports Centre. Within these competitions, organized by the Sports County Department Suceava, many sportsmen from Botoşani, Rădăuţi and Suceava are invited and expected to come.
The 4th edition of the “Cup from Suceava” in athletics will also be organized on Saturday, on the Areni Stadium, by the Sports Department. During this event, there will be present many athletes from most of the sports clubs from the city and county of Suceava, both boys and girls. Starting from 9 a.m., in the hall of the “Ştefan cel Mare” from Suceava, “The Cup of the European Youth Week” will open its “gates” to basketball, competition organized by the “Ana” Foundation and the “Juventus” Association, in collaboration with the Local Council and City Hall from Suceava. On the basket field, both girls and boys from the National College “Petru Rares”, School Group No.3 and National College “Ştefan cel Mare” from Suceava will compete against each other. On Saturday afternoon, the gym of the Sports High School from Suceava will be the host of the county team’s final tour within the National Championship at Feminine Football between High Schools.
The teams of the School Group “Laţcu Vodă” from Siret, the Arts High School from “Ciprian Porumbescu” Suceava and School Group No. 1 from Suceava qualified in this last stage of the county competition. The team that will represent Suceava in the national feminine sports competition will be chosen here. On Sunday, starting from 9 a.m., “The Cup of the European Youth Week” at football will take place in the big gym of the Sports High School from Suceava. Eight teams will participate in this competition: from different high schools, from the county’s ethnic communities and from the NGOs from Suceava. This last competition will end the program of the events organized within the 6th edition of the European Youth Week, manifestation organized by the Ana Foundation and the Juventus Association, in collaboration with the Local Council and the City Hall from Suceava.

