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prima pagina › 2004 › Gift for the soul




Gift for the soul



On Tuesday evening, in the hall of "Dom Polski" from Suceava, the spectators received an authentic “gift for the soul”, offered by the local artists. The concert, organized by the “CRAI NOU” newspaper, which celebrated 13 years of activity- the newness being presented to the public by its manager, Mr. Dumitru Teodorescu – unfolded in the sobriety and decency requested by the lent of Christmas.
Seven artists, all "made in Suceava", got up on the stage. They confirmed the fact that in Bucovina one can find good music, written and composed form the heart and with great talent. The messengers brought a convincing meĂge: "we exist, therefore we have value", expressed in folk, pop or rock songs. The singers were the same ones that recorded a CD, with the help of the “ANA” Foundation, under the aegis of the "Crai nou" newspaper. After the grand opening, made by Alina Babeanu, the band "Agressione" - or Andreea and Silviu, two beautiful youngsters – was very much enjoyed by the public, their music causing the delight of the public on Tuesday night in the hall of the concert. Their songs promise a great success on the Romanian stage. Afterwards, the band "CANON" got up on stage, reuniting two voices of pure sensitivity that sing together since 1996. Crenguta Grosaru and Cristina Rosu brought in the hall the “scent” of the Christmas tree and the sound of carols, the perfect cure for the peace of the restless souls. Every time the people from Suceava listen to Carmen Agoutin they are certain of her professionalism and interpretive envied force. Next to her... stands the band "Nemesis", or, Catalin, Radu and Roger, all four of them creating a new and complex unity. As every time, the voice of the singer wrapped up the hall with its strength and purity. The same effect was at "Dom Polski", too, where Carmen wished "Happy Birthday" to all the spectators, singing them "Ave Maria" solemnly and purely. Cornel Angelescu, the man capable of crying every time he sees together all the artists from Suceava, remained the same on stage... just Cornel; talent and sensitivity... in a soul that refuses to get old. His songs, and the lines of Laura Buzila, delight and free dreams, bringing nostalgia in everyone’s hearts. Angelescu and his guitar have been for two years the symbol of the folk music from Suceava, and on Tuesday night, this thing was once more proved. “Enough with the sighs and tears”, wanted to shout Catalin Vintila and company, or better said, HELP, four “gorgeous fools” that sing, live and “feed on” rock. Two songs were enough for the people in the hall to know that Suceava is young in music and spirit and that rock has something to say here. Towards the end of the concert, the members of INTENSIV, four young men, two singers and two dancers, came up on stage, performing a commercial musical style with great effect and success on the public. Ionela Ilie and Ovidiu Pascu are 18 and, respectively, 17 years old and they excel in rhythm and in the immense joy of singing and entertaining the public. They are "alive" and beautiful, young and eager to enter the “landscape” of our city and not only. The vocalist Alina Babeanu confirmed some time ago that at Suceava there is a voice that is impossible to ignore. Both profound and pathetic, this voice waves from blues to rock, having both carol whispers and romance sounds. Alina Babeanu means the desire to succeed, the power to have success in a field in which many struggle to get ahead, but very few make it till the end. God gave her a wonderful, powerful and special voice, which was appreciated by the public, but also by the professionals that were ready to support her financially in her musical career. The end of the concert brought again on stage all the artists that sang during the event. Their last gift for the inhabitants of Suceava was a song composed by Cornel Angelescu, both a meĂge and a carol, which confirmed that, in our city, talent and value are united under the same “roof”. The entire show was presented by Mihai Chira, together with Cornel Grosaru, both our and music’s friend.
Any celebration must have a great ending. So, the CRAI NOU newspaper offered the people in the public material and spiritual presents. A last gift was offered to the readers and friends: an amazing firework that lightened the city at 8 p.m. For a few minutes, the fireworks delighted the public with colorful lights, announcing the winter feasts and holidays.

