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prima pagina › 2004 › Three youth organizations from Suceava were partners within the national program β€œThe Summer University ANSIT”




Three youth organizations from Suceava were partners within the national program “The Summer University ANSIT”

Three youth organizations from Suceava were the partners of the National Agency for Supporting the Youth’s Initiatives in realizing the second edition of the “Summer University ANSIT” event- the School of the second chance- a national program which unfolded on two modules, one at Neptun and another one at Poiana Brasov. The people from Suceava had a special role in unfolding the module from Poiana Brasov, where the three organizations: the Youth Foundation Suceava (YFS), the “Ana” Charity Foundation and the Student Association “It will be”, trained, together with the specialists from ANSIT, more than 200 youth, on the theme of associative management of youth activities and politics. The president of YFS, Richard Simioniuc, was the one who, for almost two months, coordinated the training of the youth on “associative and organizational management”, “European youth politics”, “know-how for starting up their own business” and “fund raising”, courses that were meant to raise the chances of professional integration for the youth with fewer opportunities and the capacity of associative management among the youth and students and, last, but not least, the development of the institutional capacity of youth associative structures.

Richard Simioniuc was also the subject of an article published in the “Capital” magazine at the end of last month, “In the mountains and at the seaside, you can learn how to start up a business”, material in which the president of YFS described the activities within the training courses from that week– “Start in business”. Recently returning from Brasov, the president of YFS declared that “I felt honored to represent the segment of the civil youth society from Suceava. The non formal education (role games, practical exercises, team work etc.) is the primordial element in adapting to the European way of thinking and in developing our qualities and abilities both at a personal level and at the team work level. Unfortunately, we are more appreciated in the country than here, in our city”.

The second edition of the “Summer University” (national non formal educational program in the youth field) was different from the edition in 2003, including within the modules a dialogue with the youngsters who got great performances. Among the examples of success identified by ANSIT in the entire country, we can also mention Nelu Todireanu, the president of the “Ana” Foundation, who, in 3 years, set up branches in Baia Mare, Bistrita and Bacau and donated over 1, 3 milliards lei to the poor and disabled children. Besides money, he also donated food, medicines and clothing, as well as scholarships for many students from Suceava. Nelu Todireanu, who came back from Poiana Brasov two days ago, where he was invited to take part in the “fund raising” training, confessed that this “Summer University” organized by ANSIT was a great success. “I consider this partnership (with ANSIT) as an acknowledgement of the “Ana” Foundation’s activity within 3 years, since we became an important part of the civil society from Suceava. I was impressed by the fact that in the first day we worked in teams, even if all of us had different personalities. I was also amazed by the ability of the trainers to work with every participant. It is well known that, when you have different people to work with, the concentration is greater, and the psychic stress implicitly. I hope that the presentation of the foundation’s activity will be a good example for all the present ones, and for the associative structure that they belong to. We also initiated collaborations with NGOs from all over the country with the view to unfold some projects that aim at bringing newness in interpreting the civil society”.

