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Bucovina – intercultural region

The show was organized with the occasion of 85 years since Romania united to Bucovina.
The beauty of the event was due to the traditional costumes and to the authenticity of the dances and songs of each ethnic community.
In the Dom Polski hall, on Wednesday, a remarkable show was organized: “Bucovina – intercultural region”, event organized with the occasion of 85 years since Romania united to Bucovina. The show began with a presentation of the historical events from that period, 85 years ago, realized by 2 pupils from the “Spiru Haret” Informatics High School from Suceava, after which, artistic programs came next, organized by representatives of the cohabitant ethnic groups from Bucovina. Professor Catalina Hapurne, the presenter of the show, was a good host, and she reminded the spectators that Bucovina is in a continuous search of uniqueness, and that in the “soul Geography” of the inhabitants from Suceava there is also room for the Ukrainians, Russians, Polish, Germans and Gypsies. As it was also proved by the witnesses of time, the people from Bucovina showed their hospitality as a belief in God, combined traditions, the customs of the ethnic communities that settled here, in order to form a cultural livelong. An example of this cultural unity was also the show from Wednesday. A group of pupils from the Informatics High School interpreted 2 songs: “Doina”, the lines belonging to a poem written by Mihai Eminescu, and “Cฎntec Popular”. Applauded by the spectators, most of them youth, the teenagers from Info sang “Cฎnta cucul bata-l vina, de rasuna Bucovina ...” The next moment belonged to the Ukrainian minority, represented by a “group of mandolins” from Negostina, under the guidance of Nicolae Maidaniuc. The young Ukrainians were dressed in folk costumes, the girls wore flowers in their hair and red boots in their feet, the boys’ clothing were sewed with flower broidery and they all sang a few Ukrainian folk songs.
The program prepared by the Polish community was very impressive through its consistency and scenery. Catalina Hapurne said that “the dialect spoken by the Polish from Poiana Micului, Solonetul Nou, Cacica is no longer used in nowadays’ Poland. The origin of the Polish from Bucovina is somewhere between Slovakia and Poland”. Nine girls and seven boys from Solonetul Nou, dressed in folk costumes, wearing beads around their necks and a red rose on their blouses, formed a beautiful “painting” full of life. They danced and sang accompanied by an accordion, shouted and brought joy in the hall. Besides dancing and singing, a few pupils from the Informatics High School interpreted a fragment from the play “Chirita ฎn provincie”, written by V. Alecsandri, and they were coordinated by Professor Gica Vasilovici. The Russians were represented by a group of youth from Lipoveni, who had next to them a 3 year old little girl, dressed in a folk suit, to the amusement and applauses of the public. The Russians from Lipoveni sang, interpreted a play and transmitted great joy and happiness to the inhabitants of Suceava. The German forum sent to this event a group of youth who sang some famous German songs, under the guidance of Ionela Ilie, a pupil from School Group No. 1. The Jews didn’t send their representatives on the stage at this event! From the Gypsies community there came 2 groups of pupils: one from Gulia, who danced, sang and recited poems in their native language, and the band from Mironu, which impressed the entire public, through the talent of their players. The final show belonged to the Romanians. The artistic ensemble “Flori de Sฎnziene”, from Zaharesti, performed on stage many folk dances, bringing along authentic folk singers, coordinated by Ion Baitan and Dorina Fartais.
The organizers of this show are: the Cultural Department and the Cultural National Patrimony Suceava, the Artistic Ensemble “Ciprian Porumbescu”, the Cygnus Scientific Society - the UNESCO Centre (professors Victor Sutac and Lucian Lungu) the “Juventus” Association, the “Ana” Foundation, the “J.J. Rousseau” Association, the Student Association – “It will be”. The event “Evening from Bucovina” took place last night, at the “Nistru” Restaurant- showing the artistic moments of the ethnic communities cohabiting in Bucovina, tasting their traditional foods and exposing some of the traditional drinks from Bucovina, too. We wished, through this event, to get over the official relations between the members of these communities, and pass to some free, friendly discussions, in a more relaxing environment.

