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Teenager's Day 2004

Hundreds of youth from Suceava were present at “Miss Adolescence”, event organized by the City Hall, in collaboration with the “JUVENTUS” Association and the “ANA” Foundation. The mayor, Marian Ionescu, was present on Sunday in the centre of the town, together with the youth, celebrating Teenager’s Day.
An amazing show was organized, dedicated to all the teenagers, one of the special guests being the mayor and PSD candidate at the City Hall Suceava, Marian Ionescu. This man was delighted by the fact that he could offer the teenagers this show, but also that he was welcomed with great pleasure by the young people. “We managed to prove in these 4 years that we stand by our teenagers, and not only. I think that a true mayor must help the youth, support the young local talents, because they represent the future”, declared Ionescu. We also have to add that within this show, the most beautiful teenager from Suceava was chosen. This was possible due to the collaboration between the civil society, represented by the “Juventus” Association and the “Ana” Foundation, and the local administration. The hall was overcrowded, hundreds of teenagers coming to encourage the contestants and to enjoy a few good hours of joy, music, dance and humor. The show started with the concerts of the Fly Dance and On-x bands, after which, the president of the “Juventus” Association, Cornel Grosaru, invited on stage the 11 contestants at Miss, the most beautiful and courageous teenagers from Suceava. The girls had 3 aĂys: presentation, intelligence and dance. The first place and the title of “Miss Adolescence” was won by Adina Curic, a pupil from the Sports High School - Suceava, the second place was won by Anca Gadinceanu, pupil at the School Group “Samuil Isopescu”, both of them receiving 1 million lei from the organizers. The third place and the sum of 7 hundreds lei was occupied by Lenuta Stavarache, pupil at the School Group No.2, while Florentina Moldovan, from the Informatics High School, won the 4th place and received 5 hundreds lei. The organizers also prepared some: a tombola with the biggest prize of 1 million lei, offered by Marian Ionescu, but also the concerts of the bands: De la Vegas, Oxygen and Varza. Cornel Cฎmpan from Double C enjoyed a great success. He is now a student at the Law Faculty from Iasi, but in fact he is a “son of Suceava”. The show had a great success also due to some exceptional local talents: Alina Babeanu, “one of the best voices from Suceava”, the bands “Music Dance”, “Help” and “Cool Ice”. It was seen and proved what the local administration can do, with the partnership of the civil society, a great show in which the local values were promoted, too, but also in which famous Romanian music bands found their place in this town.
Last, but not least, we must say that during the show, the youth from Suceava awarded the mayor with many applauses, showing that they are supporting him in listening and solving their problems, but also in offering them fun moments, so neceĂry for their age.

