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prima pagina › 2006 › The City Hall will give 5.000 presents to the children from Suceava




The City Hall will give 5.000 presents to the children from Suceava

The City Hall, together with the “Ana” Foundation and the “Juventus” Association, plans to give 5.000 presents to the children from Suceava. The announcement was made by the mayor Ion Lungu who mentioned that the days in which the Children’s Playgrounds will be opened were also established. Like last year, in Suceava there will be 5 playgrounds for children. The first playground will officially open on the 15th of December, at 5 p.m., in the Areni Park near the "Ştefan cel Mare" University from Suceava. The second playground will open on the 16th of December in Burdujeni, close to the Saint Andrew Church. The third one will open on the 17th of December, in Iţcani, in the park next to the train station from that headquarters. According to mayor Ion Lungu, the 4th playground will open on the 19th of December in George Enescu, and the last playground will be located at the “Ion Creanga” School from the Obcini headquarters and it will open on the 20th of December. (Dan PRICOPE)

