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Diplomas offered by the Ana Foundation for 2006

The „Ana” Foundation offered on Friday, at the "Veneţia” Restaurant from Suceava, many diplomas to the most devoted collaborators during 2006, together with the awarding of the laureates of the second edition of the “Monitorul” Top.

Diplomas offered:
1. The priest of the year – priest monk Nicodim
2. Convincing debut: the Foundation “The Br’ncoveni Martyr Saints”
3. The best mayor– Ion Lungu (town), Ioan Onufrei (villages)
4. The best woman in Politics: Angela Zarojanu, Carmen Agoutin, Cristina Iordăchel
5. The manager of the year: Cătălin Nechifor
6. Manager New Age: Lucian Lungu
7. Law above all: Orest Onofrei
8. Subprefect: Alexandru Băişanu
9. Parliamentary: Longher Ghervazen
10. Young and restless: Emil Ursu
11. We are not afraid with them: Alin Botezatu, Ileana Iacob
12. Husband of the year: Iulian Iacob
13. Bucşoaia, my love...: Marius Boghian
14. All for Sports, all for victory: Mihai Androhovici
15. Camera at sight: Ovidiu Donţu
16. I comment, therefore I exist!: Niculai Barbă
17. Sane Counselor: Aurel Jescu
18. Consistency: Virginel Iordache
19. Bucovina -proud flower, I have brothers abroad: Viorel Seredenciuc
20. I’m young and I want to fly: Vasile Bilius
21. Goodbye, but not forever: Aurel Vasiliu
22. Head collaborator: Mirela Rusu
23. Promoting the values of Suceava: Radio AS – Dragoş Agapescu
24. The best politic talk-show: Bogdan Gheorghiu
25. Soul and Light: Daniela Micuţariu
26. All are old and new in all: Dana Beale, Ciprian Chira
27. YES to this!: Oana Şlemco
28. The best photographer: Doru Halip, Marius Şuiu
29. The aristocrat with noble heart: Romeo Istrate
30. Untainted worrior: Iordănel Secrieru
31. Caricature: Paula Şalar, Sorin Ursan, Ovidiu Ambrozie Bortă
32. Professionalism: Disco System - Marius Socoliuc
33. Values from Suceava: - folk music: Alexandru Recolciuc, Călin Brăteanu; slow music: Cristi Munteanu, Alina Băbeanu; pop-rock: the GHG Band– from Gura Humorului; dance: the I-Dentik band; folk: Cornel Angelescu
34. Coordinators of NGOs: Ştefan Puşcaşu, Richard Simioniuc, Mihaela Grosu
35. Ethnics: The Union of the Ukrainians from Romania, the Union of the Polish, the Lipovenian Russians’ Organization, the Democratic Union of the Hungarians from Romania – Suceava, Phico Rromano
36. Humor Group: the “Al. I. Cuza” College, the “Ştefan cel Mare” National College
37. Modern dance: The Sports High school Suceava
38. Sponsor of the year: RAI 88
39. The best freshmen ball: The “Ciprian Porumbescu” Arts High school, Suceava

