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Europe in highschool

Today, the project of the European Commission Deputation in Romania “Europe in Highschool” started its third edition. The event was organized by the “Ana” Foundation, the only county project consultant from Suceava, in collaboration with the County Education Department Suceava at the “Petru Rares “National College from Suceava.
The program strictly addresses the pupils from highschools, in a competition that will stimulate teamwork and reward their creativity. This year, the theme of the project is “Europe. Made in Romania”. The pupils are invited to a visual communication exercise through which they have to film the Europe they see around them.
The project is based on a partnership with youth organizations from all over the country, NGOs that will organize training sessions in highschools. These sessions include:
› information about Europe,
› notions of project management,
› general information about film making and synopsis writing.

Four steps on how to take part in this event:

1. Search on, the section Library and find out how you can plan and develop your project, plus some information on film making.

2. If you see in your highschool an advertisement about a meeting for “Europe in highschool”, go! There, you will find our consultants and you can find out from them how to prepare your project. If you don’t make it to the meeting, the consultants’ list is also available in the section: Consultants from the site mentioned above. You can contact them anytime.

3. Make a team. Two colleagues are enough, but if more get involved, there is absolutely no problem. Find an idea together and, if the information on the site doesn’t seem enough, also click

4. Fill in the registration form from the section SIGN UP your project. .

The pupils that don’t benefit directly from the training sessions, can get information from the sites: and and can ask for guidance at the e-mail address:

At the previous editions, over 700 training sessions were organized, having over 16 000 participants. 4500 of them entered the contest with 894 interesting and very creative projects. The objective of this program is to expose as many highschool pupils as possible to European information. The number of projects is not that important, but what matters is how many pupils, as future citizens of the EU, will debate on themes related to Romania’s adhesion to the EU. The most interesting projects will be awarded in May at the Mariot Hotel in Bucharest. The first prize is an I-pod for each member of the team.

