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The 1st of June

- Joys – Dozens of children with few economical opportunities from Suceava enjoyed yesterday the presents offered by the “Crai Nou” Newspaper and the “ANA” Foundation – “The Flowers’ Song” from School No. 4 Suceava - Falticeni – The Children’s and Pupils’ Club, in a new office.
Dozens of children with few economical opportunities from Suceava enjoyed yesterday the presents offered by the “Crai Nou” Newspaper and the “ANA” Foundation. The event was coordinated by the president of the “Ana” Foundation, Mr Nelu Todireanu, and financed by the editorial staff, with a special help from BETTY ICE. The presents offered to the children were made up of: lots of sweets, drawing books, Logics and puzzle games and natural juices. We can also mention here the great joy of the children, joy produced by the yesterday gesture of the authors. (A.DIMA)
“The Flowers’ Song” from School No. 4 Suceava
Pupils from School No. 4 Suceava, under the guidance of the school staff, organized for the 1st of June a performance entitled “The Flowers’ Song”, that took place on Thursday evening, in the big hall of the Cultural House, where there was no room left for all the parents and grandparents who came to see the little ones on stage. The show started with a folk performance presented by class II B, under the guidance of their educator Veronica Moscaliuc. The singers– Andreea Ungureanu, Cristina Suhan and Andreea Chisăliţă – were very much liked and applauded by the audience. The moderator of the show, teacher Traian Chilimon, mentioned that the girls had won many county and national contests. Dancing was also present during the show: the pupils of class I C, led by educator Delia Dascălu, the pupils of class II C, teacher Carmen Posmagiu, class V C, teacher Corina Stavniuc, class VIII, teacher Petronela Bobric. The “Chiţ-Chiţ” group from class II A was also on stage– under the guidance of teacher Alexandrina Răileanu. Led by Teacher Daniela Iftimie, the pupils from class IV D interpreted an English song. Through their costumes and country dance, class I A made “waves” during the performance, led by educator Simona Filip. The “surprise” theatre play was brought to stage by a group from class IV B, led by educator Geta Baciu. The Spanish culture and traditions were presented by class III A, led by educator Izabela Apavăloaie. The little ones presented a Spanish dance, getting the audience’s attention through their moves and costumes. Their effort was rewarded with lots of applauses. The parents and grandparents that took part in the event were amused by Ştefan Gavrilovici and Alexandru Radeş, from class V B, led by teacher Carmen Goreac, who told many jokes.(OANA ŞLEMCO)

The Children’s and Pupils’ Club, in a new office
The 1st of June also brought joy to the 1000 pupils belonging to 18 groups from the Children’s and Pupils’ Club from Fălticeni. The mayor, Vasile Tofan, the vice-president of the County Council Suceava, Stela Acatrinei, and the assistant general inspector of the Education Department Suceava, Daniel Hrenciuc, inaugurated the new office of the Children’s and Pupils’ Club from Fălticeni and the one of the Ethnographic Museum, from the same building. Finding a new office was neceĂry after their old office was given back to its owner, according to the law in force. As a result of the request of the City Hall from Faticeni, the County Council from Suceava approved of a new office in one of the buildings in which the old Nursery “Dumbrava Minunată” unfolded its activity. To modernize and repair the new office almost 7 billions lei were needed, money that were given by the Education Department from Suceava.
The Children’s and Pupils’ Club from Fălticeni, through its 18 groups, is the initiated space in which – relaxing, competition and performance – more and more children spend their spare time. At present, there take place cultural-artistic, musical, choreographic, plastic, technical-scientific, literary, applicative and sportive workshops, following the cultivation of children’s talents. Through its activities, the Club offers the chance to access a wider informational field, to discover and put into value their talents, breaking the limits of the school curriculum. According to the director of the Club from Fălticeni, teacher Gheorghe Popa, “the Club must support the families that went abroad. The Club’s activity is considered to be a continuation of the activities unfolded during the school, completing in other conditions the school pedagogical activity”.

