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prima pagina › 2007 › Two actresses and 100 becoming actors




Two actresses and 100 becoming actors

Over 100 young men, pupils from most of the schools from Suceava, took part, during two days, in the theatre workshops within the “T(heatre)” Club, under the guidance of actress Gabriela Ioniţ£ and Ligia Toniţa, the coordinator of cultural activities from the "Parade" and " Cultural Archetype " Foundations from Bucharest. The event was organized with the occasion of the “European Youth Week”.
The diction, re-telling and adapting the movement to the text exercises were meant to improve the development of communication abilities, the teamwork, and the specific abilities. The total and enthusiastic involvement of the participants proved once again that the youth from Suceava are eager to take part in cultural activities, which are meant to prepare them, both for an eventual artistic career and especially for life.
The restless Gabriela Ioniţ£ was very excited by the way in which the youth evolved, promising to come back to Suceava with her own shows and with other theatre workshops.
The "T" Club was fonded after the "Bucovina" Theatre Festival in April 2007, reuniting the participants from this festival and the ones eager to make contact with the elements specific to the acting career, elements that are very useful behind the scene, too. The "T" Club is meant to develop the artistic expression level of the participants from this festival, as well as the creation of a youth nucleus which is meant to promote projects in order to improve the cultural offer from Suceava. The event will unfold during the “European Youth Week”, the 9th edition, organized by "Ana" Foundation and the "Juventus" Association, with the support of the County Council, the Local Council, the City Hall from Suceava, the School Inspectorate, the Youth County Department and the Sports Department.

