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The most important matrixes of Bucovina are
the cultural legacies

Declared, at Suceava, Andras Istvan Demeter, state secretary within the Ministry of Culture and Cults
Yesterday, in the small hall of the Cultural House from Suceava, there was a meeting at which few people participated, but where the importance of the event was outlined through consistency. At the invitation of the UDMR County Organization from Suceava and with the purpose to debate on many problems, especially the ones regarding the minorities from Bucovina, two state secretaries were present at this event: Barna Tanczos, representing the Ministry of Transports, and Andras Istvan Demeter, from the Ministry of Culture and Cults.

Bucovina is famous for being a multicultural region, a place with an ethnic history where minorities such as: Russians, Ukrainians, Polish, Italians, Jews, Germans, Gypsies and Hungarians represent a true model of cohabitation.

At the meeting with the state secretaries Barna Tanczos and Andras Istvan Demeter, other deputies were invited, too: Longher Ghervazen from behalf the Polish Union from Romania, Mircea Grosaru from behalf the Italian Union, Vladimir Hapenciuc, representative of the Government’s Minorities Department, as president of the Ukrainian Union from Romania, professor Ioan Bodnar, as well as promoters of some programs and ethnic events that unfolded in Bucovina, Nelu Todireanu, from the “Ana" Foundation, and Cornel Grosaru, from the “Juventus" Association.

“The most important matrixes of Bucovina are the cultural legacies and interculturality, in general. The map of Bucovina, from the minorities’ point of view, is in this room", declared Andras Istvan Demeter, state secretary within the Ministry of Culture and Cults. Referring to aspects of major importance on an intercultural line, the state secretary within the Ministry of Culture stated that “2008 is the European Year of the intercultural dialogue". “The key word is cultural diversity. This cultural diversity can be found in every country, but also the entire Europe itself is a cultural diversity. In order to promote the culture from Bucovina, the Romanian culture in the EU is a simple thing. We must be there", underlined Andras Istvan Demeter once again.

Vladimir Hapenciuc also said that “Suceava, from the point of view of the minorities’ toughness within the cities from the county, is the most multicultural county in the country. And this is due to the fact that there are 50 places with a majority population of Ukrainians, 4 places with a majority population of Polish, 3 places with Russians, a few places with Gypsies and a place with Germans ".

The state secretary Barna Tanczos confessed that he was astonished by the history of Bucovina. Drawing a parallel between the EU and Bucovina, Barna Tanczos said that “the European Union in a union of minorities. Nobody is of a majority. And the region of Bucovina remains a model for me, from my point of view".

