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"The longest night" with the band "Hara"

"The longest night – the junction of arts", event programmed for the 22nd of December, reached this year the 5th edition. Organized by the Bucovina Museum (CMB) with the support of the County Council, together with the City Hall from Suceava, the "Ana" Foundation and the "Juventus" Youth Association, the event, which marks the astronomic period of the winter solstice, plans to focus the attention on the museum institutions from Suceava.
The guaranteed attraction of this edition will be the presence of the band “Hara”, who will give a carol concert.
"Light for Freedom"

As the general manager of the CMB, Constantin-Emil Ursu, declared yesterday within a press conference, the program of these events, which initially started as a cultural meeting, a voluntary dialogue meant to involve all the ones who bring spirit to the fortress, the activities will begin at 5:25 P.M, with a folk music concert, in the hall on the History Museum.

Next, at 6:00 PM, the participants will go to the Market of Flags, on a road marked with lighted candles in the shape of a cross, dedicated to the heroes of the December 1989 Revolution.
This event, entitled "Light for Freedom", will also be repeated on the 25th of December by lighting, every night, the candles that shape the cross..

"The longest night” will continue at 6:45 PM, with Cornel Angelescu’s concert, an important voice of the folk music from Suceava.
Starting from Monday, the 10th of December, the tombola tickets (the tickets which will be offered in schools for free, or sold within the local newspapers) will be put in an urn in the hall of the Museum. Then, they will draw out the winning ticket and the prize will consist in the band’s “Hara” going to their house on Christmas Eve and singing carols to the winner.
The participants of the tombola must write legibly their name, address and phone number on their tickets so that they can be contacted after the drawing out of the winning numbers.

Starting from 10: 00 PM, after coming back from singing carols in the winner’s house, the band "Hara" will give a carols concert near the Christmas tree from the hall of the Museum.

"The longest night" will continue with special and unforgettable moments, the participants from this manifestation also being invited to take part in this final event.

