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Hara sang at the "Monitorul 2007" Top

The “Monitorul” Top has already become an annual recognized event and, at the end of last week, it reunited the “cream” of the administration and politics from Suceava. At its 3rd edition, the event enjoyed the presence of many parliamentarians, mayors, politicians and businessmen, who came to receive their trophies for 2007 or to support the ones who received the appreciation of the “Monitorul de Suceava” readers.

And due to the fact that the awarding ceremony was organized around the Christmas holidays, the event also hosted a carol concert, held by the Hara band.

From the very beginning of the awarding, the chief editor from “Monitorul de Suceava”, Mr. Tiberiu Avram, underlined the fact that the establishment of the classifications was determined by the votes given by the readers of this newspaper, but also by many politicians and representatives of the civil society from Suceava.

After the counting of these votes, the prizes were established for all the six categories of the "Monitorul 2007" Top, such as: the most active mayors, women, politicians and parliamentarians, the nicest gesture of the year and the man of the year 2007.

The ones that have been awarded received diplomas and trophies from behalf the "Monitorul de Suceava" newspaper.

The "Monitorul 2007” Top began with awarding the most active women from Suceava, the biggest prize going to the manager of the Health Insurance Department, Mrs. Cristina Iordăchel. The 3rd place went to the county counselor Carmen Agoutin, the 2nd place- to the vice-president of the County Council Suceava, Stela Acatrinei and the PSD parliamentarian Mirela Adomnicăi and the the 1st place– to the vice-mayor Angela Zarojanu.

In her speech, Angela Zarojanu wanted to thank the ones that voted for her and dedicated her prize to all the women from Suceava.

The next ones who were awarded were the parliamentarians from Suceava, the trophies going to Gheorghe Flutur, Romică Andreica, Eugen Bejinariu – the 3rd place, Mihai Sandu Capră, Dumitru Pardău, Mirela Adomnicăi – the 2nd place, Tiberiu Prodan and Ioan Stan – the 1st place.

The prize for "the most active politician in 2007" went to the PDL vice president Mr. Gheorghe Flutur, followed by the PSD leader, Gavril Mฎrza and also by Dumitru Pardău and Cătălin Nechifor – the 2nd place, while the 3rd place went to Ion Lungu, Marius Ursaciuc, Virginel Iordache and Ovidiu Donţu.

The first prize for “the most active mayor in 2007” went to the mayors from Suceava and Gura Humorului, Ion Lungu and Marius Ursaciuc. The other prizes went to mayors Vasile Andriciuc (Şcheia), Constantin Huţanu (Vatra Dornei) – the 2nd place and Ioan Cătălin Iordache (Şaru Dornei), Mihai Frunză (Rădăuţi) – the 3rd place.

The trophy "The man of the year" went to Cătălin Nechifor and Ştefan Puşcaşu.

The ones who got most of the nominees at "The man of the year 2007" were the PSD euro parliamentarian Cătălin Nechifor and the manager of the Bethesda Policlinic – Ştefan Puşcaşu.

After receiving the trophy and the diploma Cătălin Nechifor thanked the ones who voted for him and expressed his hope and wish that Suceava will be represented in the future in the European Parliament.

The last prize offered by “Monitorul de Suceava”, "The gesture of the Year", a new nominalization introduced this year, went to Gerald Schweighofer for a financing of over 60.000 Euro donated to the ER section from Rădăuţi Hospital and for other charity events.

All the participants from this event were caroled by the band "Hara". They delighted the audience with an amazing concert, singing both Christmas carols and some of their most famous songs.

Declaring themselves "friends of Bucovina", the members of the band “Hara” sang carols from all over the country, which they also added in their last album.

We must also mention the fact that besides the diplomas and trophies offered by the "Monitorul de Suceava" newspaper, the Ana Foundation and the JUVENTUS Association offered diplomas to their main collaborators from 2007, with which they organized events dedicated to the youth from Suceava.

