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prima pagina › 2005 › An evening in the large family of Bucovina




An evening in the large family of Bucovina

The Student Club “Casablanca” (“the general headquarters” of the Bucovina Interethnic Club) was, on Wednesday evening, the host of an event that valued the customs and traditions of the Ukrainian community. “The Ukrainian evening” (which “closed” the events organized by the members of this community in March with the occasion of the national Taras Sevcenko’s celebration) had as main “directors” the teachers Livia and Ioan Bodale, helped by “strong” activists of the civil society (Nelu Todireanu, the president of the “Ana” Foundation, Cornel Grosaru, the president of the “Juventus” Association and Razvan Arhire, the “boss” of the “Casablanca” Club). Taras Sevcenko’s portrait (realized by Ioan Bodale) ruled over the hall of the cultural House from Siret and watched upon the program of this evening, which hosted many valuable guests, such as: the general consul of Ukraine at Suceava, Vasyli Boeciko, the president UUR-the Bucovina Region, professor Ioan Bodnar, representatives of the local and county authorities, as well as representatives of ethnic minorities’ organizations. It was, like president Ioan Bodnar remarked, a moment in which the “large family from Bucovina” met, during an event that contributes to reciprocal knowledge and to consolidating the interethnic relationships. It was also an evening when the participants proved a real understanding and brotherhood, and an evening in which the lines, the songs and the dances (interpreted by little Cristiana, Ruxandra Sericiuc, Genoveva Volosciuc and Mihai Cobziuc, or by the student group from Siret: “Kolomeika”) created unity, harmony, and the Ukrainian customs, traditions, clothing and traditional food created a unique atmosphere of friendship.
The event ended with a dance of all the ethnic communities present there, a union and friendship dance. And if someone said that “Bucovina is a box of wealth”, it is certain that through its priceless richness we can find the union of the cohabitant ethnics. “Unity in diversity” is not a “poor” slogan. In Bucovina, the communities are a proof that everyone can live together, keeping their own values. More than that: through these kinds of events, the people, whatever their ethnic might be, share and give each the flowers and lights inside their souls.

