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prima pagina › 2005 › Gabriel Bucevschi has raised the money that he needed in order to be hospitalized in the S. Matteo Pavia clinic




Gabriel Bucevschi has raised the money that he needed in order to be hospitalized in the S. Matteo Pavia clinic

The last money, the sum of 50 million lei, has come from The Ana Foundation
Gabriel has managed to raise the sum of 45 thousands euro, money that give him the opportunity to be hospitalized in The S. Matteo Pavia clinic from Italy for the analysis and compatibility test that he needed.
20 thousands euro from this sum is the contribution of The “Santo Padre” Caritas in Vatican

In order to save Gabriel Bucevschi’s life, the boy from Radauti who needs an emergency surgical intervention that can be done abroad and whose costs are of 100000 euro, The Charity and Mutual Aid Foundation “Ana” has donated yesterday 50 millions lei. Immediately after the Easter, the foundation has undergone a campaign through the local high schools in order to raise the money needed for the surgery. Various high schools from Suceava, among which The Arts High School, School Group no. 3, The Sports High School, The Economic High School “Dimitrie Cantemir”, The Technical College “Petru Musat”, The Informatics High school, The Comprehensive School no. 1, and Comprehensive School no. 4, brought their contribution in saving Gabriel. The campaign through the local high schools and comprehensive schools in Suceava continues also this week. The inspectors’, teachers’, elementary teachers’ and pupils’ implication in the campaign has been a meritorious gesture. With this money Gabriel has managed to raise the whole sum of 45 thousands euro that allow him to enter the S. Matteo Pavia clinic in Italy in the cardio-surgery section where they should perform a compatibility test and analysis. “People cannot imagine how happy we are that we have gathered with the help of the good people the sum of money that we needed. With the help of a person that we knew in Italy, and who has informed the clinic that we have half of the sum they requested we also found out that Gabriel’s hospitalization can be made with this money. For starters, they will make the compatibility test and the required analysis and after that he will be put on a waiting list”, Gabriel’s mom, Magdalina Bucevschi told us. In order to get to Italy, Gabriel needs a permanent attendant that has to be also medical staff. “We thought of contacting SMURD, maybe they can help us due to the fact that they have all the utilities neceĂry for the transportation of an ill person. We would like to leave for the clinic next week, because any lost time can cost him his life”, said the boy’s mother. During the time he will be in Italy, waiting for the transplant, the boy’s mother has to find a place where to live and she might even have to look for a job. “I think it will be difficult among strangers and I am already scared, but I am capable of doing anything for my boy just as so many people have stood beside him and we thank them”, added Magdalina Bucevschi. The day the Holly Father has passed away, the Vatican has donated 20000 euro in order to save Gabriel’s life, the 13 year old child that needs a heart and lungs transplant. We remind you that everything has started in February, when Magdalina Bucevschi has decided to take her child away from school on medical reasons. His colleagues have organized fundraisings in order to get the money needed for Gabriel’s intervention. Some have donated their allowances, some- the money for their pretzels. The City Hall from Radauti, together with various youth foundations, organized a charity show “Champions of hearts”. From soul to soul and one heart to another, this is how the 44000 euro have been gathered, together with the 50 millions donated by the Ana Foundation, with the help of the pupils in the local schools, money that will help Gabriel in his healing. His hopes are that he will return from Italy healthy.

