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On Dragobete, we love in Romanian style

On Sunday evening, hundreds of young people took part in the 2nd edition of the Show Contest “On Dragobete, we love in Romanian style”, event organized by the Youth Regional Office Suceava, in collaboration with the “Juventus” Association, the “Ana” Foundation and the Youth Local Council. “The event is part of a wider project, financed by The National Youth Authority, which has as main aim involving the youth in the society’s active life”, declared Marius Boghean, the director of The Youth Regional Office from Suceava.

The event, hosted by Shock Fashion Club, proved to be a good example of combining practice with pleasure. The young participants found out from the organizers who “Dragobete” is and what are the Romanian traditions which the girls have to respect if they want to be loved during the entire year. Then, they took part in contests, one funnier than the other, contests meant to challenge them, to test their attention or their oratorical talent.

The abilities of the participants in the contest of miss and mister that was held on Dragobete Day have been carefully “wedged” by a â€ฆ "heavy" jury, consisting in representatives of the local and national mass media, representatives of the County Military Department, the Court of Justice Suceava and of the Local Council. The participants have gone through many funny moments. The aspirants for the title “Miss Dragobete” have been challenged to make a love declaration to a mayor, to Mathematics or â€ฆ to the Youth Regional Office. They have managed quite well, saying one nice word, giving one nice smile â€ฆ “It’s tough being beautiful”, and this was felt by the contestants on their skin when they had to let themselves make up by the boys, not with usual make up, but with cream and chocolate. They had nevertheless taken their revenge when the lads have been challenged by the organizers to run after the girls blind folded and holding in one hand a trey with three tennis balls. All these in the name of loveâ€ฆ. After all this “hard work” there had to be a reward. The jury has declared the winners. The title of Miss Dragobete went to Dionisie Catalina, a pupil from the “Mihai Eminescu “National College, and Balan Andrei, pupil from the “Petru Rares” National College, has won the title of “Mister Dragobete”. The winners of the titles received prices in money.

While on stage a part of the youngsters disputed the titles of miss and mister, the audience competed in â€ฆ epigrams. The teenagers tried to put in verse the significance of Dragobete: “Ce noroc, cuvขntul fete/ Rimează cu Dragobete / Că de Sf. Valentin / Concursul era un chin”; “Žl doreşti al tău să fie / Să te ฎnţeleagă dintr-o mie / Cu vorbele să te ฎmbete / Nu-i Valentin, e Dragobete”; “Iar vrea vestul să ne-mbete cu catolicismul lui / Noi iubim de Dragobete / După moda estului”. Here are some of the teenagers’ epigrams.

