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Friendship textbook, translated in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, German and Hungarian

Dozens of youngsters belonging to many ethnic minorities from Romania met at Suceava for the 5th year in a row. The 5th edition of the Bucovina Interethnic Cup proved once again that no matter what language you speak, no matter what mentality or social status you have and no matter where you live, there are times when you can talk to the others just using the friendship language.

Almost 100 Ukrainians, Russians, Polish, Hungarians, Germans, Italians and Romanians from Suceava, Brăila, Harghita, Bucharest and Cernăuţi “taught” each other, through sports, the lesson of understanding. After the opening ceremony, which took place on Saturday morning in the gym hall from CSM Suceava, the girls remained in the gym to play tennis and kin ball, a game adopted by the Romanians more as a source of fun. Kin ball is a game that “makes waves” in Canada (the country that invented it), Spain, Belgium, France, Brazil, Japan and SUA. At Suceava, the huge ball was seen for the first time during the 3rd edition of the Interethnic Cup. The game had a great success among the youngsters and already became a tradition during these events.

The boys went to the Zamca Hotel, where the competitiveness was greater than that of the girls. If in the case of bowling we could only speak about the luck of throwing the ball in the right direction and with the right precision, in the case of football the stake was bigger. The group qualifications were harshly disputed, but the 1st place belonged only to one participant. The team formed of members from the Cernauti local administration won at the section “artistic impression”. This team was formed of “wiser” boys, who knew how to handle the ball in order to win the sights of the viewers.

What this edition brought new was the fact that the organizers were helped in this event by School No. 3 from Suceava; thus, on Saturday at 3 p.m., the organizers could unfold a swimming contest at the swimming pool from this school. But due to the fact that at this contest the “Danube’s children” from Brăila were also present, it’s not hard to guess who won the swimming “race”.

Otherwise, sports were the reason for the unfolding of the Interethnic Cup Bucovina. After 24 hours of contests, the participants and organizers draw the same conclusion: football, tennis, swimming and even the weird kin ball game have the same rules for the ones that practice them, even if the ones who play them speak a different language.

Interethnic round dance

During the same evening, in "Club 60’s", the ethnic minorities presented some pieces from their traditions or cultures. After each of them sent a meĂge in which they showed their gratitude and content for being together for the 5th time in a row at Suceava, the night turned into a true show. The youngsters from the Italians’ Association from Romania started the “show” and even if a “bit of tradition” meant to them singing "Un italiano vero", the famous song of Toto Cutugno, the audience sang together with them, also appreciating the performance of the group’s star, Emmanuel, a young man of pure “breed”. The youngsters from the Democratic German Forum also presented some songs. They sang a song of Dieter Bohlen, and few of some German trip songs. In the traditional colors of celebration, white and black, the Hungarians from Topliţa sang two slow vocal-instrumental songs.

The dances endangered the safety of the club’s building, creating at the same time an explosion of authentic tradition. The Polish Association was represented by a few youngsters from Soloneţul Nou from Suceava, who were dressed in folk costumes and who danced as if they were present at the greatest folk festival. They offered the audience what they had best in their folk Polish tradition, from the lei to the flower sewn on the skirts of the girls’ dresses (the flower was the same as the one that their grandmothers and grand-grandmothers used to wear), to the peacock feather and ribbon attached to their hats, to the pants with white and red stripes and the tassels from their vests, to the “crazy” and inexhaustible lust for dancing.

The revelation of the evening was the Russian group from Brăila. Their dance simply delighted the audience. The boys wearing silk shirts and pants that were put at the bottom part inside the boots danced in the most Russian way possible. The girls, dressed in red dresses and wearing lei on their heads, holding white handkerchiefs in their hands “slipped” on the dance floor of the club. Their moves were gracious, with small steps, dancing in circle together with their pairs or passing “under the bridge”. This dance move created, towards the end of the evening, the general “painting” of what the organizers intended to create since the first edition of the Interethnic Cup. The "Club 60’s" never saw such an interethnic round dance like this one, with Polish, Italians, Romanians, Hungarians, Germans and Ukrainians trying to learn how to pass under the bridge of the Russians. Even if they did not entirely succeed in doing it, they still have time to repeat the moves until the next year, on the next edition of the Bucovina Interethnic Cup.

