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The Interethnic Cup, the 5th edition

The representatives of 7 ethnic minorities from Bucovina, both from inside and from outside the country, came to Suceava to practice some sports, and also to show the others what they kept from their traditions and customs.

Today, at Suceava, starts the 5th edition of the “Bucovina Interethnic Cup”, event included in the project "Suceava –multicultural European city". The event, organized by the "Ana" Foundation, the "Juventus" Association, the Local Council, the City Hall from Suceava, the Sports Department Suceava and the Romanian Federation "Sports for All" offered every time the guarantee of unfolding an exceptional sport and cultural event which is expected by all the ethnic minorities from Bucovina.

The Cup from Suceava gained in 5 years much credibility among the youngsters and members of the ethnic minorities, so the organizers received the participation confirmation of the Ukrainians, Russians, Germans, Hungarians, Gypsies, Polish and Italians. They come every year to take part in the sports competitions, to dance, to sing, to present to the other some parts of their traditions or, simply, to spend some time together with other ethnic groups from Brăila, Harghita, T’rgovişte and Bucharest. “High positioned” people, like managers etc, and guests from the local administration and the Sports Department from Cernauti also come to this event, interested in what has been going on here for 5 years.

The opening ceremony will take place today at 10 o’clock a.m. in the gym hall from CSM Suceava, and until late in evening sports will be the main “actor” on the Interethnic Cup, with races in tennis, kin ball, football, bowling and swimming. One break moment for the participants will be after 1.30 p.m., when the local journalists will also play a football game together with the representatives of the local administration.
After 8 o’clock p.m., in “Club 60’s”, the sports and t-shirts of the participants will change into folk traditional costumes, in order to present a multicultural evening.

