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The beauty of the Ukrainian soul

On Saturday evening, the Ukrainians opened the series of events through which the ethnic minorities living in Suceava will each present their traditions, cultures and ways of living. "The Ukrainian Evening" was a new event within the project initiated by the “ANA” Foundation and the “Juventus” Association, project called: “Suceava – European Multicultural City", under whose emblem, the “Interethnic Cup” took place during the previous week.

Song, dance and craft
“We want to conquer and, for that, we came to present to you our songs, dances and crafts, with pieces from the most beautiful Ukrainian soul", said, in the opening of the event, professor Ioan Bodnar, the president of the Ukrainian Union – Bucovina Region.

And the soul of the Ukrainian from Bucovina proved to be not only beautiful, but also generous in offering the audience present in Club 60’s a show of authentic culture and complete welfare. The Ukrainians recited lines from their national poet Taras Şevcenko and also from our Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu. At one table, three little girls from Paltinu, aged between 10 and 14, dressed in national costumes from Bucovina, all beautiful, skilled and talented, presented the art of dyeing the Easter eggs. What they did in fact was to prove that, even if this art is practiced by many old generations, it never died and will surely survive in time.

Joyful and colorful, the same Ukrainian soul “opened” once again when the Group “Soacrele" and the youngsters from the "Kolomeica" Ensemble sang. The Ensemble was formed of pupils from the “Laţcu Vodă" School Group from Siret. This show was a revelation for the ones who hadn’t seen them before and a real pleasure for the ones who knew and listened to them before. Over 30 youngsters created, inspired by their teacher’s passion for tradition and culture, a professional ensemble. “Full” artists, they sing both instrumentally and vocally, and also dance while they sing. You look at them and you are amazed by the talented young people you have in front of you, youth who have the rhythm running thorough their veins and who traveled across the world, spreading “pieces” of traditions from Bucovina.

Bucovina, "model of interethnic cohabitation"
“In Bucovina we have an entire human richness, whom we want to present to the entire Europe", declared the president of the “Juventus" Association, Mr. Cornel Grosaru, and, sustaining this declaration, it seems obvious that the youth from "Soacrele", and especially the youth from the “Kolomeica" Ensemble, represent Suceava, dancing and singing in Ukrainian at many festivals and shows all over the world. The guests from this event also understood this thing : the Ukrainian vice-consul Mihail Lienkov, Vladimir Hapenciuc, the chief the Interethnic Relations Department from the Prefecture of Suceava, the representatives of the Local Council, the County Council, of the School Inspectorate, of DJS, the leaders of the ethnic minorities living in Suceava, the artist and writer Radu Bercea (who offered at the event some copies of his latest book, “The Memory of the Romanian prison camp’s retina”), as well as a group of Ukrainian students from the "Ştefan cel Mare" University from Suceava.
Other ethnic minorities from Bucovina will present in the near future their own traditions and cultures, thing that makes the project’s organizers proud of this event, calling it a “model of interethnic cohabitation".

