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"Gastronomic Interculturality ", the 3rd edition

The project "Bucovina - model of European Interculturality’â‚¬Β, through which Suceava proves to be a multicultural city, in the year of Interculturality of the EU, presented, through a new stage, the reciprocal knowledge of the gastronomic traditional values belonging to the various ethnic minorities living in this region.

Russians, Germans, Jews, Polish, Italians, Hungarians and Ukrainians met at this event in order to taste the traditional food of each ethnic minority, the guests of honor being the representatives of many NGOs and of the mass-media from Ukraine and Suceava.

The "Kolomeika" Ensemble was applauded at open stage
The exceptional performance of the Ukrainian Ensemble "Kolomeika" from Siret was like ’â‚¬Ε“the top of the iceberg’â‚¬Β. The participants from this event defined, together with the artists invited, in the most original way, the concept of ’â‚¬Ε“unity in diversity’â‚¬Β.

"In a time of continuous fuss, both at national and international level, Bucovina represents an oasis of common sense and a model of understanding among its inhabitants, regardless of their religious or ethnic origin, building a strong reason of promoting the region both in the country and abroad. We may not have the material resources the other EU countries have, but we have the spiritual, multicultural wealth from Bucovina that is hard to equalize, due to the fact that it represents a true Romanian visit card ", declared the organizers.

The project "Bucovina - model of European Interculturality" is accomplished through the joint effort of the civil administration and society (The Local Council, the City Hall Suceava, the Ministry of Culture, the "ANA" Foundation, the "Juventus" Association and the Bucovina Interethnic Club).

