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Customs and Traditions from the cross border area within the local democracy promotion context
General description of the project:
Organizer of the events: The Charity and Mutual Aid Foundation “ANA”, Suceava
Title of the project:
“Customs and Traditions from the cross border area within the local democracy promotion context”
Romania, North-East Region (Bukovina), Suceava
Ukraine, Cernauti
Purpose of the action: - encouraging the creation of a lasting cooperation network in the cross border region;
-making a team which will unfold common projects with the view to stimulate cultural traditional creations and develop the local democracy;
-the refreshment of the tourism from the Romanian- Ukrainian border region
Target group: representatives of NGOs, craftsmen, artists, youngsters, tourism agencies specialized in the Bukovina region, local authorities and local communities.
Main activities:- youth cultural exchanges; training the NGOs’ representatives with the view to make common project financed by the EU; establishing art handicraft and contemporary plastic art expositions; establishing a folk and a choral festival; setting up a literary club.
- Encouraging and supporting in order to create lasting cooperation networks between the local and regional actors from the cross border region;
- Developing a common implementation structure of the project that united, both historically and culturally, the two regions- the two parts of Bukovina.
- developing the cultural cooperation between the twinned regions on both sides of the frontier;
- support and growth in number of the cross border meetings of the target group: workers from NGOs, youngsters, craftsmen, artists;
- promoting the tourism from Bukovina, on both sides of the frontier.
The relevance of the action:
The actions are meant to encourage and support the creation of some lasting cooperation networks between the two regions, thing that involves the representatives of the training educational institutions, cultural institutions, schools, NGOs and individual craftsmen. During the unfolding of the activities, the accent is put on the development of the local organizations’ capacities and abilities in setting up and implementing projects for the development of the cross border region. Through the training courses in the project elaboration field and in the common educational projects, common implementation structures of projects are developing, as well as the promotion of the local traditions in the context of acknowledging the European citizenship. The mixed teams are made up of people from the two countries in order to be able to form a united group and to set up communitarian common projects.
The cultural exchanges are realized through actions that are meant to put back into rights the traditional craft art in parallel to modern plastic art and the promotion of the local folk in correlation to the promotion of cult music and the literary-artistic clubs. The fairs and expositions set for every country, as well as the music festivals, aim at bringing to light the importance of the creators’ activities in the development of people’s personality, people belonging to the two regions, as well as the sensitization of the population on authentic art and their contribution to putting back into rights their traditions.
Through the making of the teams, permanent structures are being created within the local and regional organizations, having members on both sides of the border, structures that will work together and stimulate the activities of other groups, too.
The action is relevant to the program’s priority because it has in view the following dimensions: improving the information between the border regions; sustaining the forming and training activities in order to get access to the finances within the European programs; developing a cultural cooperation between the twinned regions on both sides of the frontier.
The two counties face similar needs and constraints:
At community level, on the application of the local democracy concept dimension, the following needs and constraints can be met: the acknowledgement of the public opinion on the importance of promoting and putting into application the democratic principles; the stimulation of the involvement and cooperation of the influencing poles- the civil society, syndicates, patronages, political sphere – regarding the good motion of the communities which they represent and in which/ for which they act.
Needs and constraints can also be met at the level of the cultural-artistic mobility of the people from the two regions directly involved in the project (Suceava and Cernauti), as well as at the cultural-artistic level, in general.
At the level of cooperation in the tourism and amusement activities field there have been identified the following needs and constraints:
There is no optimal cooperation between the tourism agencies that promote tourist services/packages in the project’s activity fields– Suceava and Cernauti, so that the tourists, especially the ones from abroad, are offered the possibility to choose certain trips to see both regions at the same time. Due to the extremely high tourist potential of Bukovina on both sides of the border it is also necessary to pay careful attention to the activities’ promotion of this area, as an economic development source of the two communities.
The succinct description of the events:
Training courses which provide access to European programs
- training courses meant to familiarize with the pre-adhesion instruments, the programs of the EU, the main sites through which these programs can be known, as well as the data when these projects can be handed within every program; the procedural files specific to each program and so on.
- training courses to get to know the principles that lay at the basis of European programs, of the financing priorities, the writing of the financing proposals/ applications– the technique of writing projects, aspects regarding the management and implementation of the project etc.
Training courses for youth animators
These courses will unfold according to a specific methodology and 30 youngsters from NGOs will take part in the training. The courses will be held by specialists regarding the EU, in this field, or that participated in authorized courses held by a qualified staff and who received, after attending those courses, a certain certificate that proves their experience.
Seminar: Local Democracy
The organizing of the seminar speculates: establishing the unfolding period, the location, the representatives that will be invited from different sectors, sending the participation invitations, establishing the protocol for the seminar etc.
Establishing the themes and methodology of the unfolding of the activities within the seminar represents the content stage, which will be given very much and careful attention.
At the end of the activities of the seminar, evaluation will be made in order to be able to receive feedback from the participants.
Offering the participation diplomas
30 people will be taking part in this seminar: representatives of the civil society, of the syndicates, employers, political environment, both from Suceava and Cernauti.
Seminar: Promoting the tourism from Bukovina
During this seminar, representatives from 8 tourism agencies from both sides of the border will be present. They will elaborate a common strategy of promoting the tourism around Bukovina in order to raise the attraction degree of the tourists; they will also try to elaborate/ sketch a local marketing program for Bukovina.
Crafts art fair
We expect an art fair, to which 16 craftsmen from both countries are expected to participate. The fair will take place in special places offered to us by the Local Council.
The contemporary plastic art symposium and the initiation of the activities within the literary club
The event takes place in Suceava and gathers artists from both regions as well as guests from other partner countries in the project. The initiation of activities within the literary club will unfold with the participation of the poets and writers from both areas of the border.
Folk and Choral Music Festival
The event gathers folk traditions, local in the two areas; students, young people, adults, professionals and amateurs take part in it. The shows will be under the sky, in open spaces so that many people are able to attend it.
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